Ostrava Days: new pieces by Petr Cígler and Michal Rataj

25 August 2019, Triple Hall Karolina, Ostrava Ostrava Days Petr Cígler: Horn Concerto, 1st movement (world premiere) Michal Rataj: MOVIS (world premiere) Ondřej Vrabec – French horn, Daan Vandewalle – piano, ONO / Ostrava New Orchestra, cond. Bruno Ferrandis

Rudolf Komorous: The Mute Canary (world premiere)

28 June 2018, Antonín Dvořák Theatre, Ostrava NODO Rudolf Komorous: The Mute Canary (world premiere) Directed by: Jan Horák, Michal Pěchouček, music director: Owen Underhill Cast: Anne Grimm, Alexander Dobson, Daniel Cabena Ostravská banda

Alois Hába: Thy Kingdom Come (world premiere)

24 and 25 June 2018, Jiří Myron Theatre, Ostrava NODO Alois Hába: Thy Kingdom Come (world premiere) Directed by: Jiří Nekvasil, music director: Bruno Ferrandis Cast: Michaela Šrůmová, Kamila Mazalová, Marek Olbrzymek, Juraj Nociár, Josef Moravec, Vojtěch Šembera, Josef Škarka, David Nykl Canticum Ostrava (choirmaster Jurij Galatenko), Ostravská banda, ONO / Ostrava New Orchestra

Ostrava Days. Miroslav Srnka: Make No Noise (Czech premiere)

One of the most eagerly anticipated events of this year’s Ostrava Days was undoubtedly the first Czech performance of Miroslav Srnka’s chamber opera Make No Noise. Written for five voices, thirteen instruments and electronics, the work was commissioned by the Bavarian State Opera and last time performed in August 2016 at the Austrian festival Bregenzer Festspiele. The libretto by … Read more

Ostrava Days. Petr Bakla: Summer Work (world premiere)

The fifth day of the Ostrava Days presented a concert of the festival’s residential orchestra Ostravská banda held at the Triple Hall Karolina. Led by four different conductors – Petr Kotík, Joseph Trafton, Bruno Ferrandis and Carl Bettendorf – the ensemble played a program consisting of nine compositions, none of which was more than 15 years old. One of them … Read more

Ostrava days: premieres of pieces by Petr Cígler, Petr Bakla and Michal Rataj

As would be expected, the 10 days and 22 concerts of the 9th year of the contemporary music biennale Ostrava days included several Czech premieres. From those by Czech authors they were first of all the chamber Nothing is Free by Petr Cígler, September by Petr Bakla and The Long Sentence II by Michal Rataj. All of them were performed during … Read more

Petr Bakla: Something with something else III (world premiere)

As a teaser for the upcoming Ostrava Days festival, Ostrava witnessed a recital by the German cellist and Ostravská banda member Matthias Lorenz. It was hosted by the PLATO Ostrava art organization which, at the moment, has its residence in the former Bauhaus hobby market; and it was here, on May 15, that Lorenz performed Nomos Alpha … Read more

Petr Cígler: Protracted Sinuous Movement of a Longitudinal Object (world premiere)

NODO – New Opera Days Ostrava presented a world premiere of Protracted Sinuous Movement of a Longitudinal Object , an opera by a composer and scientist Petr Cígler which was written directly for the festival. The performance took place on June 29 at the Antonín Dvořák Theatre. Petr Odo Macháček’s libretto explores the relations between a woman, a man, and a rattlesnake in a common … Read more

Petr Kotík: William William (world premiere)

The opening evening of the New Opera Days Ostrava (NODO) biennale, which was held between the 27 and 30 June, offered a world premiere of William William, an opera by a composer and the festival’s artistic director Petr Kotík (*1942). The performance took place in the industrial milieu of the Hlubina coal mine. William William is, as the author … Read more