Member of the International Association of Music Information Centres (IAMIC)
Czech Music Information Centre
Besední 3, 118 00 Praha 1
Tel: office, archive – 257 312 422, GSM – 724 150 109
The Czech Music Information Centre provides information about Czech musical project and events, and promotes contemporary Czech music both at home and abroad.
The Czech Music Information Centre gathers documentation pertaining to Czech contemporary composers, musicians and events, maintains an archive of sheet music and recordings, mediates information about Czech musical life, holds lectures and classes, organises concerts, sells CDs and issues publications (see below).
Financing sources
The Czech Music Information Centre provides its services owing to grants from the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, the City of Prague, the Czech Music Fund and other public sources.
1. Czech Music Quarterly – a quarterly in English.
2. HIS Voice – a bimonthly in Czech, since 2015 only in an online version.
3. Composer Portraits – a series of CDs with Czech composers profiles.
Documentation and archive
The Czech Music Information Centre’s public archive possesses the largest collection of scores of works by Czech composers, most of them dating from 1945 up to the present time. It also contains CDs, LPs and audio tapes with music by contemporary Czech composers, books, magazines and copies of articles. The Centre is in close contact with libraries, publishers and festival organisers in the Czech Republic, and provides comprehensive information about Czech classical music. It cultivates a multimedia online database of Czech composers at the address The Czech Music Information Centre website also encompasses lists of the deaths of composers, a summary of anniversaries, a digest of competitions and training courses, news and other information.
The Library and Archive is open on Tuesday and Thursday from 10am to 4pm on request (please send an email to: or call +420 257 312 422).
Employees and collaborators
Petr Bakla – Director
Ondřej Čihák – Library and database Administrator
Monika Havlová – Manager
Petr Ferenc – HIS Voice Magazine, Editor in chief
Matěj Kratochvíl – HIS Voice Magazine, Editor
Ian Mikyska – Czech Music Quarterly Magazine, Editor
Invoicing data:
Czech Music Information Centre
Besední 3, 118 00 Praha 1
Reg. No.: 25091328
Tax Reg. No.: CZ 25091328
Account No.: 2200221325/2010 (FIO banka)
IBAN: CZ8020100000002200221325