Kerberos Ensemble : new pieces by Pavel Nesit and Zdeněk Zahradník

19 May 2024, 5pm, Atrium Žižkov, Prague Pavel Nesit: “Zpřetrhat odpoledne” (Tear the Afternoon Apart) from the song cycle Songs from the Black Star (world premiere) Zdeněk Zahradník: Song of Songs (world premiere) Kerberos Ensemble (Kristina Kubová – voice, Magdaléna Kyselovičová – oboe, Nikola Liederhaus – guitar)

Days of Contemporary Music: new pieces by Karel Pexidr, Jiří Teml, Zdeněk Zahradník, and Michal Müller

22 November 2023, 7pm, Chapel of the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren, Prague-Vinohrady Days of Contemporary Music Karel Pexidr: Rhapsody for Zelí-Potkan Orchestra (world premiere) Zelí-Potkan Orchestra, cond. Václav Benjamin Špíral Jakub Novák: Concertino for Clarinet and Strings (world premiere of this version) Milan Arner – clarinet, Piccolo coro & Piccola orchestra, cond. Marek Valášek … Read more

Days of Contemporary Music: new pieces by Ivan Zelenka, Jindra Nečasová Nardelli, and Zdeněk Zahradník

2 November 2021, 7:30, Kaiserstein palace, Prague Days of Contemporary Music Ivan Zelenka: Flétny si povídají (Flutes Are Talking) – world premiere Robert Heger, Dana Hegerová – flute Jindra Nečasová Nardelli: Tráva na troskách (Grass on Ruins) – world premiere Karolína Cingrošová Žmolíková – soprano, Vítězslava Krahmerová – recitation, Tomáš Víšek – piano Zdeněk Zahradník: … Read more

Days of Contemporary Music 2016: week 2 and 3

Three concerts of Czech 20th and 21st century music took place during the second and third week of the Days of Contemporary Music festival. All of them were held in the halls of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague. The festival has since long been focusing on premiering new pieces and the concert on … Read more