Pavel Zlámal: Great Glory (world premiere)

16 June 2023, 7pm, Besední dům, Brno Exposition of New Music: Here and Now Pavel Zlámal: Great Glory (world premiere commissioned by the festival) Pavel Zlámal Contemporary Ensemble (Pavel Zlámal – clarinet, saxophone, Jan Jirucha – trombone, Jan Nepodal – percussion, Kristýna Švihálková – steel drum, saw, percussion, Jozef Zimka – trumpet, Jiří Kalousek – … Read more

František Chaloupka: Hen Party (premiere of a flash-mob opera)

6 and 7 October 2022, Brno Micro-Operas Hen Party. Flash-mob opera for two sopranos and four saxophones (world premiere) Music and libretto: František Chaloupka Concept: František Chaloupka, Tomáš Hlaváček Aneta Podracká Bendová, Eva Esterková – soprano, Antonín Mühlhansl, Radim Hanousek, Pavel Zlámal, Pavel Šabacký – saxophone

MusicOlomouc: premieres of works by Marek Keprt and Pavel Zlámal

20 October 2020, 7pm, live stream from the Corpus Christi Chapel of the Palacký University’s Art Centre, Olomouc MusicOlomouc Marek Keprt: V zásněží úzpytu motýli nedokvétají (akustický chVějíř – 2) – world premiere Marek Keprt – piano   Pavel Zlámal: No need to follow the snowman‘s thoughts – world premiere Lichtzwang (Pavel Zlámal – clarinet, Jan Přibil … Read more

Pavel Zlámal: Avšak (world premiere)

21 April 2020, 7pm, online stream from the Orlí Street Theatre, Brno Quarant(a)ena Pavel Zlámal: Avšak (However) – world premiere Brno Contemporary Orchestra, cond. Pavel Šnajdr

Jakub Rataj. Music for Sirens

1 April 2020, Czech Radio Vltava – online broadcast Music for Sirens… micro-concerts with emergency siren test Attention (world premiere) Concept / music: Jakub Rataj Roman Fojtíček, Michael Jermář, Pavel Zlámal – saxophones, Shahab Tolouie

Pavel Zlámal: premiere of a piece whose name is of no consequence

One of the events of this year’s Exposition of New Music festival (Octobre 19 – 23, Brno) was a recital by a saxophone and clarinet player Pavel Zlámal. Zlámal, who specializes in contemporary and experimental music, performed four pieces for saxophone solo from 1956 – 2016. Christian Lauba’s Hard, Simon Steen-Andersen’s De profundis and Gianti Scelsi’s Tre pezzi were followed by … Read more