Haštal Hapka: Once Everybody Is Here (world premiere)

29 June 2024, 9pm, Jiří Myron Theatre, Ostrava NODO Haštal Hapka: Once Everybody Is Here, one-act opera for jazz combo, string quartet, and ensemble of soloists (world premiere commissioned by the festival) Libretto: Vilma Bořkovec, Magdalena Jiřička Stojowska, Haštal Hapka Director: Vilma Bořkovec, conductor: Patrik Kako Performers: Vladislav Georgiev (Grandfather), Viera Pavlíková (Grandmother), Zbigniew Kalina … Read more

Lucie Páchová / Štěpán Janoušek / Jan Jirucha / Michal Wróblewski: four new works with improvisation elements (world premiere)

11 December 2023, 7:30pm, Faculty of Humanities, Charles University, Prague COMMUNICATIO | … musical freedom and collaboration Lucie Páchová / Štěpán Janoušek / Jan Jirucha / Michal Wróblewski: four new works with improvisation elements (world premiere) Lucie Páchová – voice, Štěpán Janoušek, Jan Jirucha – trombone, Michal Wróblewski – saxophone, BERG Orchestra, cond. Peter Vrábel

Pavel Zlámal: Great Glory (world premiere)

16 June 2023, 7pm, Besední dům, Brno Exposition of New Music: Here and Now Pavel Zlámal: Great Glory (world premiere commissioned by the festival) Pavel Zlámal Contemporary Ensemble (Pavel Zlámal – clarinet, saxophone, Jan Jirucha – trombone, Jan Nepodal – percussion, Kristýna Švihálková – steel drum, saw, percussion, Jozef Zimka – trumpet, Jiří Kalousek – … Read more

Orchestral Concert of the Composition Department (Academy of Performing Arts in Prague)

15 November 2021, 7:30pm, Martinů Hall, Prague Orchestral Concert of the Composition Department of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague Ramin Kuliev: Tone Shades (2020) Pavel Nesit: Behind the Glass (2021) Milica Ivanić: Interwoven touches of currents (2021) Jan Jirucha: Trombsonore (2021) Czech Chamber Philharmonic Orchestra Pardubice, cond. Petr Louženský

Ostrava Days: new pieces by Luboš Mrkvička, Jan Jirucha and Miro Tóth

23 August 2021, 7pm, Triple Hall Karolina, Ostrava Ostrava Days Ostravská banda I   Luboš Mrkvička: For Large Ensemble, Part F (world premiere) Ostravská banda, cond. Ondřej Vrabec   Jan Jirucha: Diagonal nr. 1(world premiere) Chris Nappi – vibraphone, Ostravská banda, cond. Jiří Rožeň   Miro Tóth: Theory of Absolute Saddness (world premiere) Irena Troupová – soprano, Ostravská banda, … Read more

Space in Space. New pieces by Slavomír Hořínka, Michal Rataj and Jan Trojan

30 September 2020, 7 pm, St Agnes Convent, Prague Space in Space Slavomír Hořínka: Murmurings (world premiere) Roman Zabelov – bayan, Slavomír Hořínka – fixed media   Michal Rataj: Cellacusmata (world premiere) Tomáš Jamník – violoncello, Michal Rataj – live electronics   Jan Trojan: Infinitesimal Miracles (world premiere) Jiří Hodina – voice, Jan Jirucha – … Read more

Michal Rataj: Music for Sirens

6 November 2019, 11:55, Piazzetta in front of the Faculty of Architecture CTU, Prague Music for Sirens… micro-concerts with emergency siren test Fanfare (world premiere) concept / music: Michal Rataj Jan Pohořalý, Radek Černý – trumpets, Jan Musil – French horn Jan Jirucha – trombone