Days of Contemporary Music: new pieces by J. Fila, J. Smutný, and M. Christou

1 April 2022, 7pm, Kaiserstein Palace, Prague Days of Contemporary Music 2021: Additional 10. concert of pieces, that could not be performed in Novemeber 2021 due to the Covid-19 pandemic Jan Fila: Autumn Rhapsody (world premiere) Eliška Brožková Pospíšilová – clarinet, Andrea Mottlová – piano Jiří Smutný: Epigrams for lower voice and piano on poetry by … Read more

Days of Contemporary Music: new pieces by Ivan Zelenka, Jindra Nečasová Nardelli, and Zdeněk Zahradník

2 November 2021, 7:30, Kaiserstein palace, Prague Days of Contemporary Music Ivan Zelenka: Flétny si povídají (Flutes Are Talking) – world premiere Robert Heger, Dana Hegerová – flute Jindra Nečasová Nardelli: Tráva na troskách (Grass on Ruins) – world premiere Karolína Cingrošová Žmolíková – soprano, Vítězslava Krahmerová – recitation, Tomáš Víšek – piano Zdeněk Zahradník: … Read more

Days of Contemporary Music 2020 on Youtube

The Days of Contemporary Music festival whose 31rd year planned for November 2020 had to be cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic, made recordings of a part of the original programme and shared them on YouTube: . The recorded pieces include several premieres:   Jan BERAN: Als welkten in den Himmeln ferne Gärten inspired by … Read more