Pavel Zemek-Novák: The Touches of Mercy (premiere)

“… Impressions and Touches in the Soul…”, this year’s first concert by the Konvergence composers’ association, took place on 5 March in the Church of St Lawrence in Lesser town, Prague. It presented, among others, the premiere of Doteky milosrdenství (The Touches of Mercy), a new piece by a well-known Brno-based composer Pavel Zemek-Novák.

The programme also included La Mandragore (Tristan Murail), Ambre nous resterons (Gérard Pesson), Cristalline 2 (Karen Tanaka), Rain tree (sketch 1) (Toru Takemitsu), Čí kroky opylují trsy chladných vůní nad vodami? (Marek Keprt), the famous Fratres (Arvo Pärt) and Epitaphium L.B. by Valentin Silvestrov. The performers were Marek Keprt (piano) and the Helix trio formed by Tereza Horáková (violin), Ondřej Štochl (viola) and Lucie Tóth (piano).


5 March 2018, Church of St Lawrence, Prague

“…impressions and touches in the soul…”

Pavel Zemek-Novák: The Touches of Mercy (world premiere)

Trio Helix