Pieces by Ostrava composers commissioned by the Musical Present festival

24 October 2023, 6pm, Ostrava City Library / branch J. Trnky Mariánské hory, Ostrava Musical Present: Mosty/Bridges Matouš Niziol: A Short Story for cello and piano (world premiere) Markéta Kapustová: Moments for violin, violoncello, and piano (world premiere) Markéta Dvořáková: Ministories for piano (world premiere) Kateřina Slaběňáková: AsynChronic Liar for flute, clarinet, accordion, violoncello, and … Read more

Rudolf Komorous: Solo (world premiere)

1 September 2023, PLATO Ostrava, Ostrava Ostrava Days: The Long Night, 5pm-1am 11:15pm Solos and Ensembles II Rudolf Komorous: Solo (world premiere) Martin Petrák – bassoon

Ostrava Days: new pieces by Petr Cígler and Michal Wróblewski

31 August 2023, 6:30pm, Triple Hall Karolina, Ostrava Ostrava Days: Ostravská banda II Petr Cígler: Echolocations (premiere of a revised version) Michal Wróblewski: Rhythms no. 3 – Glissando for Chamber Ensemble (world premiere) Ostravská banda and others, cond. Bruno Ferrandis, Jiří Rožeň

Ostrava Days: new pieces by Michal Rataj, Jan Dobiáš, and Peter Graham

29 August 2023, 6:30pm, Cathedral of the Divine Saviour, Ostrava Ostrava Days: Spiritual and Empiric II Michal Rataj: Načálo polunóščnici (world premiere) Jan Dobiáš: Time Shakes (world premiere) Peter Graham: ORGAOS (world premiere) Ostravská banda, Canticum Ostrava (choirmaster Jurij Galatenko), Ahmad Hammad – organ, Klaus Lang – organ, Tereza Böhmová – soprano, Kamila Mazalová – alto, Olivia … Read more

Ostrava Days: new pieces for sixth-tone harmonium

24 August 2023, 6pm, St Wenceslas Church, Ostrava Ostrava Days: Sixth-tone harmonium Milan Guštar: 36 views on Edo (world premiere) Ian Mikyska: Not the same, not different(world premiere) Miroslav Beinhauer – sixth-tone harmonium

Musical Present: new pieces by Pavel Nesit and Markéta Dvořáková

5 June 2023, 6pm, Concert hall of the Faculty of Arts, University of Ostrava, Ostrava Musical Present: From Michigan to Ostrava Pavel Nesit: Verses. A song for soprano, oboe, violin, and piano on text by Vojtěch Martínek (world premiere) Markéta Dvořáková: I Want to Stop the Time. Three songs for soprano and oboe on texts by … Read more