Russolo’s Bitter End (world premiere)

28 June 2024, 8:30pm, Ostrava Puppet Theatre, Ostrava NODO Russolo’s Bitter End, opera in four scenes (world premiere) Libretto: Petr Rezek in cooperation with Opening Performance Orchestra Music: work in progress Director: Petr Odo Macháček Performers: Miroslav Paulíček (Russolo, composer), Lucie Zachovalová (Georgette, Russo’s housemaid), Petr Ferenc (Giacomo, the cat), Pavla Radostová (Angel) Instrumentalists: Luciano Chessa – intonarumori … Read more

Lucie Páchová / Štěpán Janoušek / Jan Jirucha / Michal Wróblewski: four new works with improvisation elements (world premiere)

11 December 2023, 7:30pm, Faculty of Humanities, Charles University, Prague COMMUNICATIO | … musical freedom and collaboration Lucie Páchová / Štěpán Janoušek / Jan Jirucha / Michal Wróblewski: four new works with improvisation elements (world premiere) Lucie Páchová – voice, Štěpán Janoušek, Jan Jirucha – trombone, Michal Wróblewski – saxophone, BERG Orchestra, cond. Peter Vrábel

Pavel Zlámal: Great Glory (world premiere)

16 June 2023, 7pm, Besední dům, Brno Exposition of New Music: Here and Now Pavel Zlámal: Great Glory (world premiere commissioned by the festival) Pavel Zlámal Contemporary Ensemble (Pavel Zlámal – clarinet, saxophone, Jan Jirucha – trombone, Jan Nepodal – percussion, Kristýna Švihálková – steel drum, saw, percussion, Jozef Zimka – trumpet, Jiří Kalousek – … Read more

Petr Borkovec and Prague Quiet Music Collective

13 May 2023, 6pm, Spoken Word Theatre, Prague Exhibition Grounds, Praha Book World Prague 2023 Lesklá nijaká chvilka, co se rozpadá. Composition with improvisation elements using Petr Borkovec’s recent prose (world premiere) Petr Borkovec – spoken word, Prague Quiet Music Collective (Milan Kárník Jakeš, Ian Mikyska, Luan Gonçalves)