6th International Mauricio Kagel Composition Competition

The Competition is launched by the Ludwig van Beethoven Department of Piano in Music Education at the mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna and has been committed to promoting contemporary piano literature for children and young people. It is distinguished by its particularly transparent and fair selection process. The renowned international jury(Annesley … Read more

Franz Schubert und die Musik der Moderne 2025

International Chamber Music Compatition 2025 prize money in total € 75,000 (gross) career consulting and supervision for first-prize winners top-class international jury members professional and comprehensive feedback offering constructive input for your professional path the opportunity to listen to other competitors valuable exchange of experience with musicians from all over the world workshops in the … Read more

Opus ignotum – skladatelská soutěž

12. ročník Mezinárodní skladatelské soutěže Opus ignotum, letos pro středoškolské a dospělé sbory. Oproti loňskému roku upozorňuji na změnu termínu uzávěrky, ta je přesunuta již na 30. dubna. Propozice naleznete na tomto odkazu: https://www.nipos.cz/propozice-opus-ignotum/

International Chamber Music Competition 2024/25

Since 1994 the Accademia di Musica has organized in Italy the prestigious International Chamber Music Competition Pinerolo e Torino Città metropolitana, which is a member of the World Federation of International Music Competitions in Geneva. Every two years outstanding young musicians from all over the world come to perform in Pinerolo and Turin. The ensembles were competing for prizes … Read more

Uuno Klami Composition Competition

V International Uuno Klami Composition Competition will be held between 2023-2024 in Finland. Compositions must be submitted to the Competition Office 4 December 2023 at the latest. The Jury will consist of composer Kalevi Aho (Chairman, Finland), composer Magnus Lindberg (Finland), composer Lotta Wennäkoski (Finland), composer Mats Larsson Gothe (Sweden) and, at a later stage, a conductor member Anna-Maria … Read more

International Mauricio Kagel Composition Competition

The competition is open to all composers born after September 20, 1984. Participants who were awarded prizes in 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019 and 2022 are no longer eligible to enter. The submitted composition must not be older than two years and should not have been performed privately or publicly, copied, distributed, broadcasted or made accessible … Read more

International Composition Competition 2024

On the occasion of the 12th International Competition “Franz Schubert and Modern Music” 2025, member of the World Federation of International Music Competitions and the Alink-Argerich Foundation, contemporary compositions for Trio for Piano, Violin and Violoncello (Piano Trio) are sought. The primary aim of this competition is to encourage the creation of new works for … Read more


OPEN CALL PRO SKLADATELE DO 35 LET! Orchestr BERG, Hashtag Ensemble, EnsembleSpectrum, UMZE Ensemble   UZÁVĚRKA: 15. 6. 2023 VÍC INFORMACÍ: https://renmus.eu/index.php/for-composers/ Doporučujeme web prostudovat hned, aby byl čas přemýšlet nad konceptem. Zbytek je velmi jednoduchý! INFORMAČNÍ VIDEO KONZULTACE – není povinná 🙂 pondělí 29. 5. 2023, 14:00-15:00 … je třeba se zaregistrovat zde HLAVNÍ VÝHODY * čtyři uvedení čtyřmi soubory … Read more