Jakub Rataj: Music for Sirens

7 October 2020, 11:55, live stream from Duncan Centre on Czech Radio’s Facebook  and on https://www.mujrozhlas.cz/zive/vltava Music for Sirens… micro-concerts with emergency siren test Attention! for 3 saxophonists, 3 magaphones and 2 performers Concept / music: Jakub Rataj

Lukáš Hurník: Martirium (world premiere)

22 May 2020, live stream from the Academy of the Performing Arts “Young Talents at Prague Spring Festival” Prague Spring Lukáš Hurník: Martirium (world premiere) Eduard Kollert – violin, Jiří Kollert – piano

Jan Ryant Dřízal: Wild at Heart (world premiere online)

20 May 2020, 8pm, live from the Janáček theatre, webpage of the Prague Spring festival Prague Spring Jan Ryant Dřízal: Wild at Heart (world premiere on the Prague Spring’s commission) Brno Contemporary Orchestra, cond. Pavel Šnajdr

Pavel Zlámal: Avšak (world premiere)

21 April 2020, 7pm, online stream from the Orlí Street Theatre, Brno Quarant(a)ena Pavel Zlámal: Avšak (However) – world premiere Brno Contemporary Orchestra, cond. Pavel Šnajdr

Jakub Rataj. Music for Sirens

1 April 2020, Czech Radio Vltava – online broadcast Music for Sirens… micro-concerts with emergency siren test Attention (world premiere) Concept / music: Jakub Rataj Roman Fojtíček, Michael Jermář, Pavel Zlámal – saxophones, Shahab Tolouie